Great Grapes!

Great Grapes!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Waiting patiently for a snack

This is what I turn to find looking over my shoulder as I commune with my chipmunk!

Joey's tail

So if you look carefully here, you can see how spindly her tail is. Really what a horror. When it's wet, it is just like a little mouse tail. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
How can I kiss this guy and be scared to the core about mice. What the hell is wrong with me?
Look half way up her tail too and you can see that it is almost bare. That's the easy way of telling her from the other chipmunks.

Sweet baby Joe

Well here she is this morning. Very nice to see her in the morning coming for a treat. I sat with her for half an hour before my class came and she is completely like she was last year. Not so patiently waiting for peanuts.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


My baby chippie made it through the winter. She came out of Torpor yesterday and joined me on the deck.
Today she lost his fear and fed from my hand. Of course when I cracked the peanuts and handed them to her, she handed them back to me to take off the papery covering. Then she stuck them in her little cheeks. She looks very healthy, but a little thin.
I also saw crooked tail out there. They may be a couple. I'll keep an eye and report further!

I couldn't be happier right now.